InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

ep 17: Mark Brooks Part 1

February 28, 2014

Episode 17: Mark Brooks Part 1. I’m learning a lot these days. I’m learning that i need to trust myself and that i may actually… wait for it… have some talent. I can’t believe i said it. Why is that so hard to say? I’m supposed to have gotten my balls back. Im supposed to say that i’m a kick as cartoonist. I’m supposed… ah fuck it. I’m just a weak little boy at heart. Im man enough to admit it. Does that make me strong? This month starts a two part interview, with Mark Brooks. Mark and i spend about 8 hours in a car together, every year, on our way to heroes con. It’s always a fun ride. What  perfect time to spend podcasting, thanks to Mark and his magic little microphone. This episode was recorded was on our way to the show. The next episode will be on our way home. Good times.