InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

ep 13: Eric Canete Flips the script

December 31, 2013

Episode 13: Eric Canete Flips the script. One year ago today i launched this here podcast. I didn’t know what to expect form it. I didn’t really know why i was doing it. I hoped for an outlet to express my struggles, i hoped to reach a larger audience, i hoped to connect with listeners, i hoped to have some deep introspective conversations with fellow creators.  Most of all, i hoped for something honest and real. I didn’t expect the reception this podcast received and i certainly didn’t expect how revealing my guests would be. My first guest was Eric Canete. Eric is one of my absolute favorite artists, and i’m lucky enough to know him as a friend. This podcast wouldn’t exist without his (and others) support. Eric seemed to love what i was doing. He asked to interview me for an episode. I wasn’t sure what it would be like to turn the mic on myself, but i thought it would only be fair. We recorded that episode around 10 months ago. It just seemed fitting that we release that episode on the first birthday of Inkpulp Audio. So here i am, one year later, again with Eric Canete. Thanks, my man.

The success of the first episode make me realize that i had to release more than one a month. This year, I’m going to two episodes per month. I’ll release them on the first and the 15th, just like welfare checks. You know how we do.