InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Ep 52: Brenden Fletcher

February 29, 2016

* Episode 52: Brenden Fletcher. I’m weak. Mentally weak. I’ve come to realize this. It’s kind of why i love yoga so much, it’s helps me work on that weakness. Most of my pain, is created by me. Eastern ways of thinking teach us to simply “be.” Anger, happiness, sorrow, etc… are a choice, in any given situation. While that sounds so simple, it’s not. Its very difficult to have that sort of mental fortitude. While it is difficult, it is completely true. It is that simple. It is green. (Some of you will get that reference, and to those of you who get it, much respect) Anyways, Brenden seems like one of those people who are mentally strong, well grounded, and centered. What is it with these fuckin Canadians!?!?! They’re the nicest,happiest, most centered people i know. Maybe i need to move there. Maybe i’ll be happier. Maybe not. You can’t run away form yourself.