Inglês Básico Todos os Dias

Quantos anos você tinha em 1982? | Inglês BÁSICO Todos os Dias #170
Quantos anos você tinha em 1982? Eu pergunto sobre essa data porque foi nesse ano que viemos para o Brasil e aprendi a falar em português. Vamos aprender a fazer e responder essa pergunta em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
How old were you in 1982?
I was ___ years old.
1900 – nineteen hundred
1906 – nineteen-oh-six
1995 – nineteen ninety-five
2000 – two thousand
2007 – two thousand (and) seven
2015 – twenty fifteen
2024 – twenty twenty-four
How old were you in 1982?
I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
You were 12 years old.
How old were you in 1982?
I was 12.
I was 12 years old.
How old were you in _____.
I was 12 (years old) in ______.
English classes with my son, Michael
My son, Michael, is taking some private online students, if you are interested.
Meu filho, Michael, está aceitando alguns alunos particulares online, se você estiver interessado.
Let’s practice in the comments section below! Ask and answer one of these questions.
When were you born?
I was born in __________ .
When was ____________ born?
He/She was born in __________ .
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