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Faça 10 Cópias desta lista | Phrasal Verb com a Letra R #05
Faça 10 cópias desta lista de Phrasal Verbs e distribua para seus amigos.
Tem duas considerações que vamos fazer sobre a frase acima: (1) Não é assim que se aprende Phrasal Verbs, e (2) Para dizer essa sentença é comum usar um Phrasal Verb. Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje para aprender mais este Phrasal Verb com a letra R.
Esta dica faz parte do pacote “Phrasal Verbs com as Letras Q & R”, CONFIRA AQUI!
Could you please run off five copies of this phrasal verb list?
run off
I’m going to [gonna] run it off for you.
run off something / run something off
The person ran off.
run away
run off / run off with someone
run someone off / run off someone
run off some calories
run off at your mouth
run-off election
Little and often.
Could you run off ten copies of this poem, please?
Would you mind running off some more copies of the agenda?
I’ll run off a few more copies before the meeting.
I’m going to run off ________ copies of ________.
I’m going to run off tem copies of the lesson to show my friends.
What are you going to run off?
Run to our site.
Don’t run off!
ou PACOTES com 4 AQUI.
Let’s practice the phrasal verb ‘run off’ in the comments section below.
I’m going to run off ___(number)_____ copies of ________.
The post Faça 10 Cópias desta lista | Phrasal Verb com a Letra R #05 appeared first on Domine Inglês.