infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

Why Necessity is the Mother of Invention with Mike Michalowicz

February 03, 2014

Mike Michalowicz is an author.  He has written books such as the The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, The Pumpkin Plan and the soon to be released Profit Fir$t.  In this conversation we will be talking about why Mike loathes the term "serial entrepreneur" (although admits he probably was one at one point in his life), we discuss his fantastic success (and when it happened) as well as the extremely personal revelation of the lessons from one of his crashing failures.

Mike Michalowicz talks openly and authentically about his journey so far and the importance of the people that he surrounds himself with, as well as how his priorities and focus have changed based on his experience.  Mike points out there are plenty of people who are happy to tell you that something won't work or "there is no money in it".  However it was when he started talking to people who had "done it right" that he realised  that previously "I was talking to the wrong people".

Who are you surrounding yourself with, talking to, and listening to?

During our conversation, Mike got the inspiration for a blog post (I love it when that happens), so if you want to read his perspective on trying to achieve life balance, then you can find it here.

If you want to connect with Mike Michalowicz (even if it is to find out how to pronounce his last name, or to understand how he turned this "weakness" into a strength), then you can head over to his website as it is the hub for all of his material, writing and social sites.