infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

A Reboot Success Story with Angela Von Buelow

January 22, 2014

Angela Von Buelow had a great life and a dream job, running a "foodie community" and becoming a restaurant review and food writer.  However this lifestyle started to make an impact in other areas of Angela's life including her health.  Whilst Angela had enjoyed the experiences and benefits of juice fast and detox spa retreats previously, she explains that it took a compelling reason to change, to find a way to incorporate healthy and wiser choices into her life on a daily basis.

In episode #14, I spoke with Joe Cross about his journey and the film Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, and since then I have spoken with several of the success stories who have benefitted from "Rebooting with Joe" and appear in his new book.  This includes Brian Robertson and Eric Rowley.  So I love the fact that I now have another opportunity to share a reboot success story with Angela Von Buelow.

From the moment we started talking I could hear Angela's energy, passion and enthusiasm for the subject and actually for life in general.  Of course, as this is the first time that I have spoken with Angela I can't tell you if she has always had this infectious personality, but I got a clear indication from our conversation that some of her recent decisions and choices have made a profound impact in her life.  For example when Angela shares her perspective that "you don't know how bad you feel until you start to feel great" I believe that pretty much sums it up.

Throughout this episode Angela provides a wonderful outlook and some great advice that we can all incorporate within our lives, whether it be for health and wellbeing, or improving the quality of our relationships (to people, to place and to things).  Listen in as we discuss when Angela had her "Harry met Sally moment" and how she asked herself better quality questions as a result (and amazingly got better quality answers).   You will hear how Angela realised how much of her life she was missing out on and why, and how this had to change.  Angela also points out that a big part of the shift is your connection with people, and therefore surrounded herself with people who were there to help and support her.  Oh, and you will hear how you can't go on a trampoline and not feel happy.

Angela now shares her experiences and supports others on their journey as the co-host of with Shane Whaley, and appears as a Reboot with Joe success story in his new book.  If you want to connect with Angela head over to where you will be able to find out more.

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