infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #65 Srinivas Rao

January 11, 2014

Srinivas Rao is the host of his own extremely popular podcast previously known as BlogcastFM, however after 4 years and more than 400 interviews, as the content, guests and audience developed, it was time for a change. With a complete rebranding now in place Srini is the host of The Unmistakable Creative podcast.  As Srini points out "a creative life is about exploration and becoming an adventurer", so it is no surprise that he is not prepared to stick with what is comfortable and decided to make this shift and change.

The conversation I had with Srinivas Rao before we turned the microphones on and started recording, was a true indication of his priorities.  Having called at the allotted time, Srini confirmed that it was still a good time to talk as the waves weren't peaking just yet and that he had arranged to meet a friend immediately following our call which should correspond with the time when the surf would be at it's best.  I was certainly under no illusion that if the waves would have been pumping at the time of my call, I would have come a distant second.  The thing you may be surprised to hear is that I LOVE THAT, and I certainly would not have felt hurt or offended, and as you listen to our conversation you will understand why.

You will clearly hear through our conversation, amongst all the top tips, lessons and advice that Srini provides, the passion he has for surfing.  Actually, it is more than just a passion.  He confirms the first time he stood up on a surfboard as one of the pivotal moments in his life, and he credits it to much of the creativity energy and innovation he brings to the other aspects of his life.

As an entrepreneur, blogger, podcaster, interviewer and author of the Wall Street Journal best selling book The Art of Being Unmistakable Srini discusses what it means to be "successful", how the world is a noisier place than when he started, but that it is also much easier to start now and his meticulous approach to his interviews and podcasting.

This conversation may help you to ask yourself some challenging and "unmistakably creative" questions, and who knows, maybe the answer is to go surfing (or finding your equivalent).

If you want to know more and connect with Srinivas Rao then you can head over to his newly branded website or you can follow over on Twitter with @UnmistakableCR.

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