infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #64 Eric Rowley

January 08, 2014

On first impressions Eric Rowley would not be someone you would expect to see as a success story in the new book by Joe Cross "The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet", as he is an extremely fit and active person.  In fact he has to be, due to his career as a fireman in California.  However, as they say, looks can be deceiving as Eric has suffered debilitating migraines for most of his life. They were so bad, that he actually felt that he was "missing life" because of them.  In my conversation with Eric, he talks of the moment he first watched Joe's film, Fat, Sick and Nearly dead and the profound effect it had on him.

They say that if you want to change something in your life, then you need to change something in your life.  Eric Rowley had tried many things to change the fact that he was impacted constantly and regularly by severe migraines.  Migraines that would send him off to lay in a bed, in a dark room, often for a couple of days at a time, hoping for sleep to take over, before his body would purge itself and start the healing process.  It was when a friend of his introduced him to the Joe's film, that things started to change.  Eric freely admits that he was skeptical at first, however within watching the first 5 minutes of the film, he was hooked, and he now credits it with changing his life.

Within Eric's story, he could have had the opportunity to make many excuses as to why the strategy, approach, process, system or whatever you want to call it, would not work for him.  As a firefighter he needs to ensure that he is at peak performance.  As a firefighter, he will work long days and have his meals provided for him, thereby influencing what was available.  However, you will hear how Eric saw these as obstacles and a challenge to overcome, not as an excuse to stop, or worse to not even try.

Eric has a fantastic perspective on life and a contagious attitude.  Maybe this is why it would appear that he is starting to influence those around him by the example he is setting and the results that he is achieving.  It certainly seems like a great philosophy to me.

If you want to connect with Eric Rowley then you can contact him via email - (just let him know you heard him on the infinite pie connection podcast).

Or why not share the fact that you have listened to this episode via twitter here - click to tweet

With all the information and content that is available to us on a daily basis, we need to be consciously aware of what we choose to consume (mentally as well as physically).  The films and programs that we watch, the books and other media that we read, the music or podcasts that we listen to and of course the people that we connect with.  What and who are you surrounding yourself with?

There has been some great content discussed in the previous episodes with previous guests, so if you want a list of the books, films, podcasts etc then let me know.

Of course if you would like any help and support, then get in touch and we will be happy to discuss how you can achieve the goals and outcomes you are looking for.

You can hear other episodes and inspiring stories from previous infinite pie thinkers here and of course let us know if you would like these as well as our blogs and updates straight to your inbox.  If you have enjoyed this then why not head over to support for infinite pie, where you can find all the links to share it with anyone you feel will also enjoy or benefit.