infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #62 Brian Robertson

December 30, 2013

In todays episode of the connection podcast, I am talking with Brian Robertson about change and how to create it. Throughout our conversation Brian explains how he went from weighing 350lbs, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and being in a wheel chair, to getting down to 185lbs and running half marathons.  However, this is so much more than a chat about weight loss.

Back in episode #14 of the connection podcast I spoke with Joe Cross about his journey back to health and well being.  Having documented his personal story in the film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, Joe has gone on to inspire people around the world to "Reboot".  Joe has a lead by example approach, rather than a prescriptive or tell style, and I think this is what people connect with.  It was certainly what inspired Brian Robertson to take action.  Brian explains how he connected with the Joe he was seeing on the screen, the first time that he watched the film.  Having admitted that he had previously cheated on diets and calorie counting processes that he had been given by his health care professionals, Brian saw the transition that Joe made throughout his film and was hooked.  Within hours, his kitchen was filled with the ingredients that he would need to start on his journey back to health.  There was no "wishing" here, it was all about action.

As you listen to Brian describe what happened next, you will hear a real story.  You will hear the ups and downs and the challenges and support that he received.  You will hear how the change that occurred was more than just physical.  You will hear about the impact it has had on setting goals and his ambitions for the future.  You will hear lessons that you can all apply into various aspects of your own life.

Brian Robertson currently features as a success story in the new book that Joe has out "The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet".  So if you want to read more about Brian and others, as well as learning the tips, techniques, processes and recipes from Joe and the team, then it is well worth it.

To me it is the stories that make the impact.  Joe's story has inspired many to make changes in their life. Brian is inspiring those around him by sharing his story and the same applies for the other success stories that I will be sharing from Joe's book in the future.  So please make sure that you share this and the other stories of infinite pie thinkers with anyone that you feel will either benefit or enjoy listening to the inspiring messages and lessons.  You can find the various links by going to support for infinite pie

If you would like to connect with Brian Robertson directly then you can email him via and let him know that you heard his story via the infinite pie connection podcast.

If you want to know more about Joe and his team then head over to his website

Let us know what changes you would like to make and how this story has helped you.