infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #60 Dan Franks and Joe Cassandra

December 10, 2013

Todays episode is a new experience for me as it is the first time I have had two guests on the show.  In this episode I talk to Dan Franks and Joe Cassandra, co-hosts of the Entrepreneur Showdown podcast. Dan and Joe recently had one of my previous guests on their show, Ezra Firestone.  Rather than ask the whole "back story" question again, they simply asked where people could go to hear more about Ezra's past.  It was this question that led Ezra to mention his time on the infinite pie connection podcast and the dominos started to fall as Dan, Joe and I started to connect.

Through our conversation we discuss the pivotal moments that have brought them to where they are now and how one of them started his entrepreneurial journey at age 12 whereas for the other it is a more recent experience.  As the both have full time careers that they really enjoy it gives a whole different perspective to their approach and to their show format.

You can certainly hear throughout this conversation and through checking out the format of their show that they have a love and real interest in entrepreneurship.  At one point, i forgot who's show it was and who was asking and who was answering the questions.

Dan and Joe make it clear that they do not want to have just another business show.  They do not want to have the same guests on, answering the same questions.  They want to discuss specific topics and give their opinion and perspective before bringing a guest on to share their experience.

I think where the real value comes is that Dan and Joe have different viewpoints, backgrounds, interests and perspectives, but they come together and are aligned with their purpose.  They seem determined to provide value to their audience (and as a by product themselves), which is a pretty good starting point.

If you want to connect with Dan Franks and Joe Cassandra then make sure you head over to or follow them on twitter @ShowdownPodcast or like them on Facebook

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