infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #54 Laura Zaky

November 14, 2013

In episode #54 of the infinite pie connection podcast, Alan Fawcett talks with Laura Zaky.  Laura takes us through her “no career, career†developing skills in hairdressing, selling, IT and interior design as well as photography.  All of these have revolved around Laura’s ability to connect with others and become integral in her community.  This is clearly demonstrated in her latest project, the book - From the Outside In; Glastonbury Festival in Pictures.  Listen how Laura took this from an idea to a reality that gives back to the community.

Laura Zaky demonstrates that if you want to make something happen, then you get out and make something happen.  With a passion to make a difference and a desire to avoid looking back and having a “what if…†moment Laura will no doubt continue to live her best life.

If you would like to know more about the book and about Laura Zaky, then you can connect with her on her website the flickr site at LauraZakyFlickr the Facebook page for the book or her own Laura Zaky Photography Facebook page.

If you have enjoyed this story then check out some of other episodes and infinite pie thinkers and let me know what you think.  Of course if you are or you know an infinite pie thinker then get in touch and share a story, we love to get to know the people behind the numbers and create connections that count.