infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #13 Thom Podkolinski

July 07, 2013

In episode #13 of the infinite pie connection podcast we talk with Thom Podkolinski, was introduced to us and suggested as a connection in episode #4 Thom Hunt of 7th Rise. Thom tracks his journey of moving from his playing rugby with a desire to becoming professional to complete turnaround and moving into fashion design and of course his plans and vision for the future.

Topics Discussed

  • Teaching by creating a sense of adventure
  • Understanding purpose and hitting rock bottom to establish what was really important and rebuilding
  • Connecting with real values
  • understanding the need to align to values, creative ambition and passion
  • Taking personal responsibility, ownership and taking the action required
  • Guiding principles and creating a life philosophy and manifesto
  • The impact of David Attenborough, natural history programs and the connection and engagement with nature
  • Don't wait for others, stand up and take responsibility for yourself and what you believe in
  • I.A.C.T.I.A. - I affect change, therefore I am (i.e.  you are an affecter of change)
  • The current project - Clothworx - building a brand that I would like to buy
  • Investing in the local community, and seeing the results of change
  • Making the change accessible to others
  • Vertical integration - keeping it all under one roof
  • Communication makes the world around
  • Establishing the right balance - including the difference between researching and experiencing
  • Connections, relationships and teamwork through the analogy of sport and how it relates to all aspects of our life - personal and professional.
  • Book recommendation - The Score Takes Care of Itself by Bill Walsh
  • Given the opportunity Thom would love to connect to David Attenborough, and Jonny Wilkinson (and would have loved to chat with Stanley Kubrik) and suggests that we connect with Oliver Arnold
  • Top tip of actionable advice - Look after your support and foundation i.e. friends and family and remove the fear.


If you want to get in touch with Tom you can email him using and of course watch this space as we will keep you updated with his process in the future.

Remember you can find details of this conversation and all the tools and resources we discussed over at the website infinite


So if want to get in touch, you can follow us there or subscribe over at iTunes or Stitcher radio so you never miss an episode.  Follow us at, twitter @infinitepie or me @al_fawcett .  You can email me directly using  I reply personally to my emails.  Make a comment, leave a rating, give us  some feedback or share your story.  Why not let us know who you would like us to connect with.  If you have a question get in touch and of course if you are looking for some coaching support, either personally or professionally, then we would be happy to help.  We would love to connect with you and get to know the people behind the numbers. In the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.