infiniprayer - The Universal Prayer

infiniprayer - The Universal Prayer

Latest Episodes

Episode 11 - Lead me to You
January 28, 2019

Lead me to You... However passionate I may be about my materialistic pursuits,I am not complete without you. So, I need you. The drop of protoplasm, that's formed when the sperm enters the egg, grows into a foetus in the womb of the mother, only when it

Episode 10 - Lead me Beyond
January 28, 2019

Lead me beyond... Lead me beyond my perceived limitations. Even God cannot give you beyond your beliefs. Rain can only fill the size of the vessel. Life can reward you only to the extent of your beliefs. Unless your beliefs expand, your life cannot expan

Episode 9 - Lead me Deeper
January 28, 2019

Lead me deeper... Lead me deeper in spiritual alignment The strength of the tree depends on the depth of the roots. Similarly, to evolve Higher in maturity, you need to grow Deeper in faith. Above all other factors, spiritual growth is growing deeper and

Episode 8 - Lead me Higher...
January 28, 2019

Lead me higher... Lead me higher in maturity You are given life, to add something to life. When you live your life with heightened awareness, you help humanity to gain a few years of maturity without having to live those years. In effect, you fast forwar

Episode 7 - Nothing of me and everything of you
January 28, 2019

Nothing of me and everything of You I surrender to you my lord... I am empty... fill me up with You. Ego is 'Everything of me and Nothing of you'.Surrender is 'Nothing of me and Everything of you'. Similarly, in the context of spirituality, by surrender

Episode 6 - And i am always connected to you
January 28, 2019

And i am always connected to You Like breathing and heartbeats you are an integral aspect of me. In Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explains, “Those who, fixing their mind on Me, worship Me, ever steadfast and endowed with supreme faith, in my o

Episode 5 - You are my path and destination
January 28, 2019

You are my path and destination You are not just my ultimate goal, but also part of me in every step I take in life. Life is governed by Cause and Effect. And, in turn, there are three empirical laws that govern cause and effect.  The three empirica

Episode 4 - You are my source of faith and strength
January 28, 2019

You are my source of faith and strength You are my anchor. My faith in you gives me all the strength I need to face any situation. If great souls like Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha, Mahavira, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Swa

Episode 3 - Feeling Thy Radiance
January 28, 2019

Feeling Thy Radiance Feeling the radiant light glow within, liberating me from the darkness of ignorance through the radiance of knowledge As human beings, we have come a long way from the cavemen we were to what we are today. While all other creations h

Episode 2 - Feeling Thy Grace
January 28, 2019

Feeling Thy grace Feeling the protective womb of existence shielding and taking care of me at every moment. Life is governed by an Existential Order. Empirical realities and governing laws constitute