

A preschool on wheels

February 20, 2024

Vegas hosts the Super Bowl, a new program offers pre-K on wheels and reporter Sean Golonka gives a fond farewell.  

Host Joey Lovato talks with reporter Howard Stutz about what it was like to cover the Super Bowl and how gaming and tourism numbers look after the big game. After that, reporter Rocío Hernández explains how a new mobile preschool program in Clark County is helping communities that are lacking in child care and early education options. At the end of the show, Joey says goodbye to friend and colleague Sean Golonka, who has moved to Seattle. The two reminisce about some of Sean’s fondest memories of Nevada and his favorite stories to work on while at The Indy.


Joey Lovato - @Joey_Lovato_


Howard Stutz - @howardstutz

Rocío Hernández - @rociohzz

Sean Golonka - @s_golonka

Read the stories

Wagering on Super Bowl LVIII sets a record at $185.6M

City of Las Vegas addressing child care shortage with mobile pre-K program

How rural Nevada became the next battleground for the ‘Big Lie’