

Latest Episodes

MineSpider: Nathan Williams
June 14, 2020

A CEO & Founder’s Executive Interview

Siemens Digital Factory: Bhaskar Chopra – Key Tips to Sharpen Your Presentation Skills
June 11, 2020

We've all had to sit through long, dragging speeches and powerpoints. Bhaskar Chopra of Siemens shares tips to sharpen your presentation skills.

Advance Storage Products: John Krummell
June 07, 2020

A President’s Executive Interview

Guy Courtin – How B2B Industrial Business is Shifting into E-Commerce
June 04, 2020

A Interview with Infor’s Vice President of Industry and Solution

Banyan Hills: Steve Latham
May 31, 2020

A CEO’s Executive Interview

Rockwell Automation: Chris Luecke - Building Your Sales Team's Brand as a Manufacturer
May 28, 2020

Chris Luecke of Rockwell Automation shares some of the first steps to take – and obstacles to overcome – when building a brand with online content.

Puppycake: Kelly Costello
April 19, 2020

An Owner & Founder’s Executive Interview

Coronavirus: Is Industrial Sales and Marketing Dead?
April 15, 2020

What does the unexpected onslaught of the coronavirus mean for industrial sales & marketing– which has always relied heavily on methods like trade shows?

Nanotronics: Matthew Putman
April 12, 2020

A CEO & Co-Founder’s Executive Interview

Global Supply Chain Impact from COVID-19
April 09, 2020

with Matthew Putman, CEO & Cofounder of Nanotronics
