

Xometry: Aaron Lichtig

August 15, 2021

Aaron Lichtig of Xometry shares the ups and downs of going public, starting a podcast, and navigating supply chain in a post-covid world.
Their platform offers not only custom 3D printing services and additive manufacturing, but also CNC machining, sheet metal fabrication, injection molding, and urethane casting.
- Well hello and welcome to the IndustrialSage Executive Series. I'm Danny Gonzales, and I'm here with a company that you've likely heard of in the news lately, very exciting, a company called Xometry. And I have Aaron Lichtig who is the vice president of customer marketing joining me for the second time on IndustrialSage. Aaron, thanks for joining us again today.
- Danny, it's good to see you. Thanks for having me back. Excited to be here.
- Oh, well I'm excited to jump in. Obviously there's been a lot of change with Xometry for the better. A lot has happened since we spoke last, and I want to jump into all that. So for those who aren't familiar with Xometry and who hadn't seen your previous interview with us, can you just tell me who you guys are, what you guys do?
- Yeah, so Xometry is a two-sided AI-driven marketplace for manufacturing on demand. So you can think of us like Uber or Airbnb where you have supply on one side. We have over 5000 machine shops around the world who are part of our network, not just machine shops; 3D printing facilities, injection molding facilities as well. And then on the other side, we have engineers, designers, purchasing managers who are needing to make parts. A couple things make us unique. We have instant quoting and great AI-driven technology that is able to analyze the parts and give you pricing and lead time options instantly. We have a wide range of manufacturing processes available, 3D printing, eight processes that we instantly quote now. We just added binder jetting in our instant quoting engine, metal binder jetting. We also do CNC machining, sheet metal fabrication, injection molding, urethane casting. Those are all available on our platform.

And then on the supplier side of the marketplace, they come, and they're able to take those jobs, get revenue, keep their cash flowing in to help their businesses stay in business, their businesses to grow. And we continue to innovate on that side of the marketplace as well. We now offer the Xometry Advance Card, the Xometry FastPay that allows small manufacturing facilities access to cash up front that Xometry provides when they take a job from our network. So we continue to innovate on both sides, and the business continues to grow. If you want to check us out, try the instant quoting engine. You can go to