

Chart Industries: Judson Voss, on What Inbound Marketing Is

May 02, 2021

Judson Voss of Chart Industries joins us to discuss a big buzzword in today’s digital, industrial, and B2B marketing space: inbound marketing.
Welcome to this episode of IndustrialSage. We've got a familiar guest here. We have Judson Voss from Chart Industries, and today he's going to be talking about really the power of inbound and how Chart uses it. And it's a really exciting thing. So for those who don't know you, Judson, or haven't heard some of the earlier episodes because he was on quite a few at the beginning, tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are, Chart, all that good stuff.

Sure. So with Chart Industries, I'm the digital marketing manager. That means most things.

You do print brochures.

I do brochures. I clean the restrooms most days. It just depends on what's going on. I drink a lot of coffee for the most part.

Yes, there you go.

Yeah, there you go. So that's my role there and title. What I do is take the strategy of what we're trying to do and creating revenue and boiling that down to engagement with customers through the digital platform, which is 90% of what the world is today, anyways.

Exactly, and that's awesome. That's very much what we're going to be talking about today is really this thing, inbound marketing, digital marketing. What is that? From your standpoint, what would you define that as? What is it?

What is inbound marketing?

What is inbound marketing?

To me, regardless of whether you're looking at digital, analog, whatever it is, inbound is trying to figure out a way to get people to find you and to come into what we call this proverbial funnel, to have a way to interact with you. But nowadays, it's really coming to a website, coming to some digital property somewhere, social media, whatever it is to get more information about your brand, about your product, about how you operate, all that kind of stuff.

Yeah, and it makes sense. And it's important these days because there's been a lot of shift in the industry. I'm curious; how long has Chart actually been using some sort of inbound marketing for, and what was that tipping point where they said, we need to go into this and start moving in this direction?

From a digital perspective, probably for the last five years, something like that. The tipping point that that's my background, so that's what we were going to do.

There you go.

But the reality is, that's where the world is today. Looking at a very big picture view of manufacturing or really just old-school organizations--I'm not saying that in a bad way--companies that have been around for 70 years and have been successful. There's no shame in being that company. They've operated in different ways. Some have latched onto the changes, and to some it's something new. And it's just a matter of understanding how your buyers operate, how people come to you, and how they find stuff. You're talking about a tipping point, I remember I was actually out at a brewery talking to some folks, guys in their late 20s, early 30s that own this brewery, really smart business guys too, by the way. And I was talking to them about a product, and we're setting them up to be, our company as a go-to that would show off our p...