

Sercante: Andrea Tarrell, on Marketing Automation Gone Overboard

March 07, 2021

Andrea Tarrell, CEO & Founder of Sercante, joined us to discuss a common problem with businesses trying to break into digital marketing– namely, that they pay a lot of money and actually go a little overboard on the marketing automation.
Alright, thanks for tuning in this episode of IndustrialSage it's going to be a really great one. We're going to be talking about marketing automation. So if you're a company that is thinking about making that transition, you don't have anything there, and you're saying, I think we want to get into Pardot or Marketo or whatever that is. You really want to watch this episode. Alternatively, if you are a company that's already done this and you have Pardot and Salesforce and you have a huge marketing tech stack that's like this and you're realizing, Oh my gosh I think we went in a little too fast, a little too quick and we feel like we are completely over our heads. This is a really great episode for you.
So for today I have a very special guest. I have Andrea Tarrell from Sercante, who specializes in this and she's going to be sharing with us her best practices and tips and tricks and strategies on how to make sure you have a really successful rollout with it. If you're evaluating it or maybe if you've already done that and you're trying to figure that out. So, stay tuned it's going to be awesome. Again, we're in the beautiful Optimum Productions studios and I'm Danny Gonzales, your host, and this is IndustrialSage. It's going to be awesome. You're going to love it. So I've got Andrea here and Andrea has got a lot of awesome experience but before we really jump into this, just let our audience know a little bit about you. What’ve you got going on?

Yeah, thanks for having me. I'm really excited to be here.

Of course, yeah.

So I'm the Principal at Sercante. We're a consulting firm that specializes in marketing automation in Salesforce. So helping teams optimize their technology and their processes, basically at every step of their lead to revenue flow.

Awesome, that sounds great. It sounds like it's a kind of a very needed thing. So since you are an expert in this area, let's talk those companies that have used that, I think sometimes there is a little bit of a I'm guessing here. Maybe there might be I don't know I might know a few companies or so that said, Hey we need to do this. We need to go from no CRM. We're sending emails through, I don't know, maybe something maybe through Gmail, and we've got a CSV data list. But you know what, gosh, we need to go ahead and make that transition. Let's go Salesforce. Let's go marketing automation. Let's you know, and then– and then, oh this is so cool. You can do all these different things. And the tech stack is like this. And then next thing you know, you're like, Oh my gosh I think we went a little overboard and this is a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be. But I don't know. Does that ever happen? Is that like a thing?

A hundred percent. Yep, I see that all the time. Companies have made a huge investment in software. So platforms like Pardot, HubSpot, Marketo,