

Thrush Aircraft Inc: Erik Rojek, on Global Manufacturing Sales Tactics

November 01, 2020

Eric Rojek of Thrush Aircraft explains how to improve your sales tactics like training sessions by getting to know your worldwide audiences. Danny: Alright, so we are here with Eric Rojek, who is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Thrush Aviation. Eric, thank you so much for joining us remotely all the way from Albany, Georgia. How are you today? Erik: Glad to be here, thanks for having us. Danny: Now we're super excited. Now, for those who aren't familiar this is what I was told. So, since I've been, you know, I'm from Atlanta and I've been down to Albany a couple times. I'm told the proper way of pronouncing, if you're from Albany, is “Albenny,” not “Albany.” Is this correct? Or have I been totally misguided? Erik: You are 100 percent correct so you're welcome to come back to Albany now because you know how the locals handle it, so well done, good research! Danny: I'd totally come back. So, all right, so for maybe... Well, first of all I'm going to say I'm super excited for this episode because I think a couple IndustrialSage people know that I'm a pilot. I got my private pilot license last year and I'm super excited. So, super excited to have an aviation company, especially here in our backyard, that will talk about all things sales and marketing for manufacturers. But for those who aren't familiar with Thrush, Eric, can you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you guys manufacture. You do some cool stuff. Erik: So we're Thrush Aircraft, we're, mentioned earlier, based here in Albany, Georgia. And we are one of the world-wide leaders that manufacture an agricultural aircraft. So, one of the cool things that we do here is not only do we build aircraft, but we're part of a bigger purpose, that our aircraft helps feed the world. So, agricultural aviation provides pulp and fiber to various crops, around the world. Currently, 70 percent of our business right now, is international. So we're a global exporter of our product. And the big thing about ag aviation that we're dealing with right now, with the growing population, it's a demand to grow more and more yields. We got to produce more yields, to the same amount of acres. Agricultural aircraft, help perform that mission. Danny: Excellent, yeah, that makes a lot of sense to me. I apologize, I said, Thrush Aviation, not Thrush Aircraft. I keep seeing the logo behind you there and it was like throwing me. But, Thrush Aircraft everyone, okay? Thrush Aircraft. This is great. Tell me a little about, we were talking a little bit, before we started, just a little bit about the history. And how you guys were kind of set up, and I'm just really curious about, to share with our audience a little bit about, sort of, your manufacturing process. Not, we don't typically cover this, but I'm just excited about hearing the story and I wanted to share that with our audience. Erik: So, the factory was originally built in 1965. So, for any business to be 50 plus years still in business, is a success. Besides dealing in manufacturing, besides dealing aviation. We must be doing something right. Really we got two things right, it's our people that manufacture and also our product. But the big thing really unique to Thrush is, we have full manufacturing capabilities, in house. We literally take raw material one door, weld it, fabricate it, form it and produce the Thrush line out the back. So when I say full capabilities, this is from machining, the fiberglass, the paint to electrical. Riveting through the aviation parts, so it's a full capacity, that is all built in house.