

PINC: Matt Yearling

October 12, 2020

Matt Yearling of PINC discusses the ups and downs of supply chain automation, as well as how a near-death experience has reshaped his outlook on life. Danny: Well, thank you for joining me today on today's IndustrialSage Executive Series. I am joined by Matt Yearling who is– he is the president and CEO of PINC. Matt, thank you so much for joining me today on the Executive Series. Matt: Thank you for having me. Looking forward to the conversation today. Danny: So I'm looking forward to it, as well. So for those who aren't familiar with PINC, what do you guys do? Matt: Well, we're a deep, dark secret. Danny: Excellent. Matt: We've been around for several years. We focus on an area of the supply chain that is a blind spot. So our core business is focused on yard management, and that's trailer yard management. So in the context of supply chain, we sit at that intersection between transportation and warehouse. And not many people know this, but for every trailer that you see on the road when you drive down the freeway, there's four trailers like that in a facility somewhere that's full of goods that pretty much is unknown in terms of state and within facilities. We focus on automating the orchestration of assets and inventory within the facility, in the four fences of a facility. That's our core business, software solutions. Danny: Excellent. And so we're going to get into all this good stuff here later on in the episode, but before we jump into that, I always like to ask about my victim– I mean my interviewee here, and that's you, Matt. I want to get to know you a little bit more. I'd love for our audience to learn a little bit more about you and how you got into the space. I think these stories are fascinating. Take me back. How does your journey– where do we begin with that? Matt: Well, so some people say they pick it up; some people don't. But I was originally born and raised in the UK. So I've spent most of my years stateside, so most of my life has actually been in the United States. But born and raised in the UK, and I came over in my 20s with Oracle. I was an electro engineer for a long time and then got into computers and, specifically, into databases. And so that's why I became an expert at databases within Oracle in the UK and then moved over from the UK to the US and had a very lengthy career within Oracle. And that really gave me a good foundation in computers. So that's where I've been and where I am today. Always being around driving enterprise value with business solutions, software SAAS solutions, whether or not that's ERP, CRM, security, or supply chain. Supply chain is what I love dearly today, so I feel like I'm in the best space of them all at this point in time. Danny: Yeah, it's an awesome space. There's a lot going on right now, and it's super exciting; it's hot. A lot of transformation taking place. That was happening before, but even more now: that's for certain. So in your career path, in your journey, is there anyone or anything that stands out to you that really helped to influence your career, your path, or growth? Is there anything that jumps out to you? Matt: Well, so I think there's a combination of a few things. I think the core drive, in terms of being who I am today, the person that I am today, I think was really driven by a near-death experience in my teens. I almost got killed on a motorcycle, and that was an experience that basically, waking up lying in a hotel bed– sorry, I mean a hospital bed— Danny: Oh, interesting story. Matt: That's for sure,