

LogistiVIEW, Inc: Seth Patin

September 27, 2020

Seth Patin of LogistiVIEW discusses his company's automation software, and the incredible family support that has gotten him through starting and running a business even amid a pandemic. Danny: Well, welcome, and thank you for joining me today on today's IndustrialSage Executive Series interview. I am joined today by Seth Patin, who is the CEO and founder of LogistiVIEW. Seth, thank you so much for joining me today: coming all the way in from Raleigh, North Carolina. Seth: That's correct, yeah. I went all the way to my office for this fantastic Zoom call. Definitely a little different than it used to be, but great to be here virtually. Danny: That is very exciting. Is it your first time back in the office? Seth: No, actually, I've spent most of my time through the pandemic in my office. So one of the advantages to being the founder and CEO of the company is you can kick all the employees out and have them work from home and then be a social distancing champ in 7,000 square feet all by yourself, all day long. Danny: I may or may not have done that myself. So I hear you. It's really hard to work from home. I don't know; do you have ki– we're getting off-topic, but it's fine. Seth: Yeah, I have three young daughters, and during the first part of the pandemic, they were doing school and everything. So my home office was reallocated to them. Danny: Yep. Seth: I'm, obviously, on the phone all the time and, of course, three young girls aren't quiet. Danny: Exactly. Seth: My wife is a saint for taking care of them, and it's allowed me to keep my focus a little bit through all this. Danny: Yep, same exact thing. There's only so many times you can say, "There's a pack of dying squirrels outside my door. I'm sorry. That's what's going on." Seth: Right? Danny: Anyways, so for those who aren't familiar with LogistiVIEW, can you tell me a little bit about who you guys are and what you do? Seth: Yeah, so LogistiVIEW is a software company that has a software automation platform. We're best known for our vision picking technology. That's where we've had the most notoriety over the last couple years. We've been around for several years now; I started the company in 2014. And we specialize in human automation and robotic automation connected together. And, so, that is our focus point. We're new to the industry by supply-chain standards anyway. We've been selling since about 2018, so we're still fairly newcomers to the overall market. Danny: Oh, excellent. I'm excited to get into that a little bit more, get into the nuts and bolts of what you guys do and looking at challenges. But before that, I want to get to know you a little bit better. So tell me, how did you get into this space? Take me back. Seth: So, yeah, my history in warehouse management software, which is really where my focus has been, distribution technology, warehouse management, et cetera, goes all the way back to the very beginning of my career. My education is in computer engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering. And when I was an intern there, I started working at a company that many folks in our industry remember, RedPrairie. And, so, RedPrairie was where I started my career. And over the course of time, obviously, RedPrairie became JDA and then became– now just recently became Blue Yonder. But I spent about 18 months there, then ended up going to work for one of– a RedPrairie customer, then have been in consulting for about the last 15 years. Having that experience, I also have another company called
