

Brennan Industries: John Joyce, on Creating Content that Meets Buyer Needs

September 20, 2020

John Joyce of Brennan Industries shares a presentation from the Content Marketing Institute on creating content that meets buyer needs. Danny: Hey, so, on today's episode I have Mr. John Joyce here, who is the Global Marketing Director for Brennan Industries, and he is going to share with us an awesome presentation that he gave at Content Marketing World, which is part of the Content Marketing Institute. They had a summit for industrial market, it was called Industrial Marketing Summit, and he gave a really awesome presentation that I'm super excited to have him on to present to you, our audience. John, thank you so much for coming on IndustrialSage. John: Yeah, I'm glad to be here, thanks for having me. Danny: All right, so John, for those who aren't familiar with Brennan Industries, what do you guys do? John: So Brennan is a hydraulics manufacturer. We make hydraulic fittings primarily and related products, and we sell them all over North America, Europe, and Asia. And we have some ancillary products related to the hydraulic industry too, so mostly stainless steel and carbon steel hydraulic fittings is our bread and butter product. Danny: Okay, awesome, all right. And so, a little bit about you as a background, because I don't always do this on IndustrialSage, I kind of want to do it because I get to know the people behind the marketing here, so tell me a little bit about your background, how did you get into marketing, were you always in marketing with industrial companies, or what's your story? John: So I started my career off, I've always been in communications. It wasn't always marketing. But I started off in a media production company, and in that company, I worked in graphic design and video production and conference production, multimedia production, all kinds of different types of content production, I guess. So in that company, I worked my way up to Director of Marketing, and I did that for a number of years, and then after that I went off and started my own agency. So I ran an agency for about 12 years, which was fully integrated marketing, both traditional and digital, and worked with a bunch of different kind of clients, from some sports teams, local sports teams, banks, industrial clients, a variety of different types of businesses, and that's where I first got into industrial marketing, was working with clients in my agency. Danny: Very cool. John: I sold my agency and then became a consultant. Kind of an international industrial marketing consultant. We lived overseas for a number of years, in Morocco and in Portugal, and then came back here and became the Director of Marketing for Brennan Industries, which is in Cleveland. Danny: Very cool, ah! The world traveler over here, with a lot of experience. John: I've a little, done a little traveling, and some marketing in different areas of the world, which has kind of been an interesting experience, too. Danny: That's really cool. So, actually, just off-topic, well maybe not super off-topic, but okay, Morocco. How long did you live there for? John: