

Landis + Gyr: Malika Waller, on Getting Organizational Buy-In for Digital Marketing

September 06, 2020

* Important Note: In the time since this interview was filmed, Malika Waller married and has changed her name to Malika Givens. She has also been hired by Dematic as their Senior Digital Marketing Manager. If you're a marketer struggling to convince your company to try more digital tactics, you're not alone, Malika of Landis + Gyr assures us… Danny: Organizational buy-in is one of those topics that I think a lot of marketers really beat their heads against the wall with, trying to figure out, "My gosh, how do we get this change? How do I get upper management to realize that we need to make a different direction, we need to do things differently? We need to bring in some more digital strategies." Well, you are in luck today, because for today's episode we have Malika Waller here from Landis+Gyr who's going to walk us through some amazing tips on how to just do that. She's done it, she's lived it, and she's going to share these golden nuggets of wisdom with you for today. So we are in the Optimum Productions Studio, and I'm Danny Gonzales, and this is IndustrialSage. All right, let's go ahead and get started. Malika, thanks so much for joining us. Before we get going on this, can you please just tell me a little about yourself and about Landis+Gyr just so we can get ourselves familiarized with you and everything. Malika: Awesome, yes, my name is Malika Waller. And I'm originally from Buffalo, New York. And I graduated from the University of Maryland. I was studying marketing and logistics, of all things. And I started marketing about seven years ago, and I've been working at Landis+Gyr for about the last two years. Landis+Gyr, if you're not familiar, is in the utility space. So we enable utilities to have knowledge at the edge of the grid. So that means the meters on your homes, working with that. So we're enabling this smart grid of the future. So right now, utilities are in this interesting place where things like solar and energy is coming back on to the grid. The infrastructure was never set up for that. So we're helping them manage the grid so there's no brownouts and blackouts, hopefully not. And making sure that they have the technology, the meters themselves, and software and everything that would create a whole solution for them. So we're very future forward, and future-proofing the grid for them. Danny: Awesome, that's interesting. Yeah, it's funny that you mentioned that the infrastructure wasn't there necessarily originally to be able to, I guess having power generation being pushed back in. It's more like we're taking it in this way. Malika: Yeah, I thought that was really fascinating, too. It's like, yeah, it was set up for one-way. Not two-way. Danny: Interesting, well, speaking of being maybe set up for maybe a specific different way, has Landis+Gyr in the past, have they typically had some sort of digital marketing strategy? How are they set up? Malika: So marketing team-wise it was, you could say siloed. It's a very much set up by product and each product marketer was in charge of kind of the whole campaign flow and marketing of a product. So now the team has kind of shifted and changed based on the skill set, and need, and strategy. So a lot of that now focuses on skill set of PR, digital marketing like myself, events, stuff like that. So we're kind of like a catch-all for all the products now. So merging different stylists together. And I'll say, initially there really wasn't a digital strategy. It was, "We need to be in the digital space, we need a website. We know that there are components that are out there in the digital world, but we're not experts in it,