

Haizol: Jennifer Grant

August 23, 2020

Jennifer Grant joins us all the way from Shanghai to share what the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has been like in China – both for manufacturers in and around Wuhan, as well as international businesses that used to source most if not all of their resources from that region. Danny: Well hello and welcome to today's IndustrialSage episode. Today is a special new segment. I have Haizol, who is a Chinese manufacturing company who we're going to be interviewing. I have Jennifer Grant, who is the marketing manager over there who's going to be sharing some insights about what is going on on the ground in China. They are a company in Shanghai and we're going to hear their story on sort of what Jennifer experienced through the pandemic, what the response has been, what's going on over there. So this should be a really great episode. We're looking forward to it. Jennifer, thank you so much for joining me today on IndustrialSage. Jennifer: Thank you very much for having me Danny. Danny: I'm excited about this episode because I think there's been, there's a lot of news you hear about in the media. There's a lot of different stories that are coming out. So I'm excited to sit down with a manufacturer and kind of hear your story, hear Haizol and what is going on, what your experiences has been, what your insights are. So before we really jump into all that, to kind of lay the groundwork, could you tell me and our audience who Haizol is? What do you guys do? Jennifer: Yeah, of course. So we're focused on custom parts and component manufacturing. So we specialize in CNC machining, injection molding, casting, stamping and fabrication. So to keep it very simple, we have two routes to market. We have our page which is essentially a sourcing platform where you can hop on, release a request for a quote as a buyer and receive verified quotes from suppliers within 24 hours and our suppliers are based in mainland China and we also have them in Southeast Asia. We also offer a one stop sourcing solution as well where Haizol will handle the processing of your parts from start to finish. Danny: Excellent. So obviously there's been– a lot of things have happened, what's been the impact with COVID specifically to these companies, these manufacturing companies in China? Jennifer: Right, I mean this is a really interesting question and certainly one that's been discussed at length in recent months. So COVID has definitely had an impact on China's manufacturing sector from February as we all know, the government policy was implemented and it forced a lot of the factories to shut down for at least a month which essentially halted the economic production during that time. That was at the end of January until around March, except for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. So the disruption was quite substantial in terms of, we have many buyers who usually come to visit the factory and if they're not going through Haizol, buyers who source manufacturers in China as part of their routine, come to visit the factory to see the quality, to see the capabilities but unfortunately all of that was stopped since January and still until now our borders are closed for any international customers. Danny: Yeah, so that's a little bit of a challenge and that was happening back in January and February but how has it kind of, it seems like we're hearing a lot of reports that it's coming, it's back, obviously you guys are having a faster recovery because you guys went through it first. What does that... What's that been looking like for you guys? Jennifer: Yeah. So China has been on the road to recovery from February until now, I would say there is now actually a complete restart.