

Lillie Beiting of Stanley Black & Decker On How to Boost Your PPC

August 09, 2020

Lillie Beiting returns to share with manufacturers how you can boost your PPC and make sure you're using it properly. Danny: Alright. Welcome back. This is a two part series of PPC. This is part two. In part one we went over a little bit of that framework, that 30,000 foot view of what is going on in PPC. Hopefully we gave it justice in the 20 minutes that we went over. Because there's quite a few things going on. In this episode, we're going to really go over a couple of little, best practices, a couple of different considerations you might want to have if you're going to implement a PPC campaign. We have our guest, Lillie is here again to kind of walk us through her process on what she does with her PPC campaigns and share some tips and tricks and a little bit of strategy on what you might want to consider. I'm Danny Gonzales. Judson: And I'm Judson Voss. Danny: And this is IndustrialSage. Alright, let's jump into more of that tactical approach on a PPC. So a big question. Lillie: Uh oh. Danny: I know you've got a good answer for it, right? Lillie: Uh oh. Danny: A company wants to jump into PPC, what should they do? What are the first steps? Lillie: Oh, it's my answer again. It depends. It really depends. So depending on what you want to accomplish, there are a lot of different ways you could go. So I think I mentioned in the last session that we did that an approach you would take from a retail perspective is going to be a lot different than something to just brand aware or to get people to go to certain pages or to mirror a traditional campaign. There are so many different ways you can go. So what I really start with is identifying what you want. I've worked with clients, I've worked with my own... I've worked with people more on the manufacturing side of things. And so many times I've had meetings with people where they just don't have realistic expectations, and it really works best if you segment everything out and understand what you're going after. That's why so much of pay-per-click, depending on which medium you're using, is set up at a campaign level. So you can do different campaigns. So first of all, figure out what's important to you. Figure out what's important to your brand, what you're trying to accomplish. Are you trying to get more, just clicks to the website? Are you trying to get more people to sign up for your newsletter or podcast? Which you should subscribe. Danny: Oh I like that too. Lillie: I got your plug, there we go. Or, really what it is you're trying to do. I'm in a B2B situation, like the industry I'm currently working in, it's really about nurturing people and getting them to respond to you and engage with you and understand how your products fit them, right? So figure out what that is first. And then there are a lot of different tools you can use to get to that answer. So keep that in the back of your mind, but be open to what the rest of the market has to say. So you'd mentioned again earlier that this changes every single day, this literally changes every single day, every single day. I mean, pay-per-click, for the most part, depending on which platform you're using, is bid based. It's an auction, right? So much like the stock market, much like even something like eBay, it's subject to what else is going on in the market. So that also changes. It's human nature. And there's a lot of different analytics and research and predictive programs you can use to help you get your hands around that. So you may see people coming from an avenue you wouldn't have previously considered. So keep an open mind. And then after that,