

Terminus: Sangram Vajre, on Account-Based Marketing for B2B Manufacturers

June 25, 2020

Sangram Vajre of Terminus and FlipMyFunnel breaks down what Account-Based Marketing is, and why manufacturers need to start using it. Danny: All right, so let's jump in today's episode. I'm super excited we've got Sangram Vajre here from Terminus. He is the co-founder and chief evangelist. Sangram, thank you so much. Sangram: Excited to be here, man. Danny: Well, we are super excited to have you here, so for those of you in the marketing space, if you haven't heard of Sangram Vajre, FlipMyFunnel, Terminus, any of these things, then you are, well, you're not a subscriber at all. Sangram: That's a high praise, a high bar. Danny: It is a high bar. And anyways, we are super excited for you to be able to come on. Sangram: Thanks for having me. Danny: Yeah, I will get into this a little bit. For those who aren't familiar with yourself and Terminus and FlipMyFunnel, all the million things you've got going on, can you just tell us, inform the uninformed about what you do and all that good stuff. Sangram: Sure. Well, I might start a little bit earlier than that so-- Danny: Perfect. Take us back. Sangram: Take us back. So went out 1979, when I was born, Danny: Okay. Sangram: Nah, I'm just kidding! Danny: Was it cold? Sangram: Yeah, we won't go that far. But prior to starting Terminus, I ran marketing at Pardot. Danny: Now, I've never heard of that company. Sangram: Oh yeah, that's history, right? Danny: Okay, great, yeah. Sangram: Then we got acquired by ExactTarget, and six months later, ExactTarget got acquired by Salesforce for $2.5 billion. So I went from this hundred-people company, itty-bitty based in Atlanta, to this giant iconic brand, Salesforce, and it was a great experience. Danny: Six months, 12 months? Sangram: Yeah, in six months, right? So it was this back-to-back, double acquisition going on and I learned a lot about scale. I learned a lot about how Marc Benioff, and how do you create a movement, how you build a category, or how you think big. Really, it wasn't about budget, it's like, you’ve got to think big. So I learnt a lot about that, and I remember one day, we hit almost every single record of number of leads in the company, Danny: Wow! Sangram: My head of sales came to me and said, "Sangram, that's awesome! Your team crushed it!" I'm like, "Yeah, we did! The team is amazing!" and they're like, "Next month, can you generate another thousand more leads?" Yeah, like so I just sank in my seat because I felt like at that moment, it was like, is marketing just a coin-operated lead machine, or do we even know who our target audience is? Do we have the leads just falling off? So all those things came through and then I met two of the co-founders of Terminus at, Eric Spett and Eric Vass, who just started Terminus three or six months ago and we just restructured, co-founded Terminus, and with this problem that we wanted to solve, which is no longer focused on leads, let's focus on accounts, revenue, and those kind of things. Really, Terminus is an account-based platform,
