

Using Video Content to Generate Leads and Sales from MODEX

June 18, 2020

Why would IndustrialSage film over 150 companies for free at MODEX? Could companies using video content like that actually generate measurable revenue? David: So, all right, well, let's go ahead and dive in. How are we going to use video content, especially that MODEX video content that you guys have, to generate leads and help with your sales process? So here's our agenda. Lots of great information we're going to go through. We have our state of the industry, so just some data points that I want to share with you at the beginning to really set the tone of why this is such important information for you to be able to leverage within your sales and marketing. So a little bit about IndustrialSage, so we're an open platform and we're making our platform available for people like yourselves, organizations like yourselves, to be able to get in front of your ideal buyer. So I won't bore you with all the details right now. But there's a lot of very innovative ways, things that you have never seen before, within the industrial industry that we are leveraging, things that we're doing. We are not your typical trade publication, okay? Valuable resource, but we are creating content, publishing content that really enables people to take action, do things, so go into some more detail later on. Obviously I'm available anytime to discuss that in more particular terms for your company. So, we interviewed 150 organizations at MODEX. Super excited, I mean, this is just a massive list I'm so excited to have. A lot of you on this list here on the webinar right now. So this is great. Very excited. We've seen thousands of views on these videos, so very, very happy with the results, and there's still more being published. We haven't even finished editing all 150 of them, so they're coming along. All right, without further ado, let's dive into some data points. So the average user is spending 88 percent more time on a website when it has video on it. So this is why your video is very important. We're spending more time on your website. When you include that video within your email campaigns, we're seeing a 200 percent, 300 percent increase in the click-through rate. I mean, this is fascinating. So then, it's not just the how-to videos and maybe lower-level people within an organization watching this video content. We're seeing a massive number of executives that are watching video content. And look at this: at least once a week. So it's not like they're watching it once a month. It's at least once a week, so this is very good. The B2B buyer, they're watching 30 minutes of video content. So I understand that the free video that was filmed and published and edited for MODEX is about 60 seconds; some are a little bit longer, some are a little bit shorter. That's just one piece of the pie, of that 30 minutes of video that you really need to have available within your organization. So whether that's on your YouTube channel, your homepage, or any blog articles on your website, all of that, it all is totaling up to that number of 30 minutes that people are spending watching that video content. And it's influencing their purchase decision. So that's what I want to be able to do. We're going to show you how you can help influence people's purchase decision with these videos. So, and then this one's very interesting. I'm right there on the edge of not being a millennial. Thank goodness, to a degree, but 50 percent B2B buyers now are millennial. And so, they are consuming video at an insane rate. It's how they buy. It's how they're consuming content and being informed and educated, so this is where this video is very, very important. All right, let's get into some more practical tactical content here, so how are we going to share this video content? Because we all have a variety of follower accounts on our business pages. But maybe you're not able to reach all of them. Or you want to be able to get in front of even more peopl...
