Siemens Digital Factory: Bhaskar Chopra – Key Tips to Sharpen Your Presentation Skills
We've all had to sit through long, dragging speeches and powerpoints. Bhaskar Chopra of Siemens shares key tips to sharpen your presentation skills. Danny: All right, let's go ahead and just jump into this episode. Bhaskar, thanks so much for joining us. And before we get going, could you just introduce yourself to our audience. Who you are, who you're with. Bhaskar: Sure. Danny: What you're doing? Bhaskar: Sure, so my name is Bhaskar Chopra. I am the Industry Manager for Material Handling with Siemens Digital Factory. Danny: Excellent, so today's topic, we're going to be talking about presentations. And that's kind of a big deal. So if you're in business and you're B2B sales presentations are kind of really, really important. But there's been maybe some evolutions, there's some changes. We've all been through those really great presentations and we've all been through those really, really boring. You're questioning my life's purpose presentations and things like that, right? So maybe in your experience, what are some of those do's and don'ts that you've seen that you've worked through that have helped you? Bhaskar: We can talk about that. Danny: Yeah. Bhaskar: So presentations I guess are a very critical part of anybody's job, whether you're doing sales, doing business planning, doing financial statements. Anything you're doing as part of your function for your job. You're presenting this information to somebody. Danny: Right, yes. Bhaskar: More often than not I imagine you'd want to present it to people of either your client standpoint or your management. And in both cases, their time is very valuable, right? Danny: Yes. Bhaskar: You want to be very cognizant of how much time they have and stressing the importance of whatever you're trying to say to them in the most efficient manner. You've given presentations, I imagine in the past. Who are the types of people that you've given presentations to? Danny: So I've given presentations to a couple, one or two people. No, different companies are so many different audiences like you mentioned, that internal, external audience. For a lot of times, most of it's external for us. So you're maybe presenting in front of one person, having that one-on-one, doing it via Webex or you're having it in person or you're presenting in front of a whole tribunal. You know, the whole board room full of people. And so, yes, each of those situations completely varied. It's been interesting just the feedback you get from people. Some people like the slide deck. some people hate hate the slide deck. Bhaskar: Yes. Danny: Some people, I don't know. Bhaskar: So we did a trade show back in March and there was a variety of different types of presentations that we were watching, we had to deliver and we had to get accommodated to. The one point that you make a very good statement on, if you're talking about VFDs and automation and you come to a slide deck and you know it's going to be an hour long presentation. The speaker's up there, you know he's the smartest guy in the room, but it's the most technical, full of jargon presentation where it's just words upon word upon words for 28 slides in a 15 minute session, and then he's like, "I have a video and then I have 58 more slides." We all know that that's the worst, right? Danny: Yes.