

Guy Courtin – How B2B Industrial Business is Shifting into E-Commerce

June 04, 2020

Guy Courtin, formerly of Infor, explains how today's monumental shift in buyer habits makes ecommerce for B2B companies no longer an option– but a necessity. Danny: All right, thanks for joining on this episode! We got Guy Courtin, did I say that right? Guy: You did! Danny: Ahhh! Guy: You did, you get an A+ for effort today, yes, that's a good one. Danny: I am actually, I don't tell too many people this. So Gonzales, right? I'm half Mexican and I'm also half French-Canadian. Guy: So you're, half of that is a good half, right? Danny: The Canadian part, but the French part. Guy: Exactly. There we go. Danny: So a quarter good. Guy: I half pronounced it well. Danny: So there we go. Guy: Yes, you did perfect. Danny: All right, so, but Guy, thanks so much for joining us. Guy: Thanks for having me. Danny: Guy is from Infor and he's VP of Industry and Solutions? Guy: Correct. Danny: Did I get that right? So, tell me a little bit about who you are to the audience, those who might be familiar with you and Infor. Guy: Yeah, absolutely, and thanks again for having me, Danny, this is really great. For me, personally, I've been in the supply chain space for almost 20 years. I used to say 10 - 15 years, then I started doing the math. It's like, no, it's been a lot longer than that, so, I've been around the block a bit. And yes, covering the Industry and Solutions side, so really helping Infor with our strategy, our go-to market strategy, talking to customers and clients, so it's a really exciting role for me. Gets me the opportunity to come speak to folks like you, but also to speak to a lot of our customers. Infor as a whole is one of the largest software companies out there right now. We're headquartered in New York, so if anybody's in New York City and wants to come by, we have a fabulous office, we have a great view of the Freedom Tower on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. Danny: Oh, that's awesome. Guy: It's amazing, but Infor as a whole, we're really focused right now on helping out customers in a number of different industries in their digital transformation, in getting themselves ready for the challenges that we are all seeing and facing today in the acceleration of business. We have a number of verticals from retail, manufacturing, to hospitality, to government, and we're really excited. We see a lot of opportunity out there. We truly have embraced this cloud notion and I think we've seen a lot of our customers coming over. But we also really look to be a trusted partner for our customers and be there with them as they go through this journey, right? I think we've realized it's no longer a market where you go out and you say, "Well I need a solution X, I'll buy it, put it in, and then I walk away." It's really being there with them to understand that this is not a simple path and everybody has a different path to get from point A to point B to point C and we want to be there with you to help you get there and to continue to grow with you. Danny: That's awesome, man, and the key word I like, we talked about this a little bit before, maybe a little overused, but "partner", there, right? Guy: Yeah, it's overused, but I think, I feel as if it's overused because we're all trying to get there. Danny: Exactly. Guy:
