

Banyan Hills: Steve Latham

May 31, 2020

Steve Latham of Banyan Hills returns to share the story about how and why he started a company that offers IoT solutions for manufacturers– and how COVID has affected them. Danny: Hey thank you for joining me this week, on IndustrialSage on our expert series. Today I've got a guest: Steve Banyan, he is the CEO of Banyan Hills Technologies. Steve, thank you so much for joining me today on the IndustrialSage Executive Series. Steve: Thank you for having me. Danny: Alright Steve is– for those who aren't familiar with him– tell us a little about what you guys do. Steve: Yeah, no problem. So Banyan Hills Technologies is a company that is focused on the Internet of Things and we have two parts to our business, we built a proprietary Internet of Things software platform that we call Canopy. We built that and taking it to market and then we have a professional services division of our business that is responsible for doing all things related to Canopy implementation, support, maintenance, and the platform is really designed to help our customers or our partners connect to device systems that they have deployed inside of their facilities or on premise and then provide them a central management platform that can monitor and control those devices. Danny: So how did you initially get into that career field? Steve: Growing, up my father created the company, he had a software company early on was called Applied Computer Systems. My whole life I grew up being surrounded by everything that he was doing with that company, and then my mom actually was a Chief Information Officer as well, and so there was no shot at me doing anything other than technology. I was immersed in it from day zero, and I think my the entrepreneurial spirit happened really early just watching my dad in particular, reach out build something that he was proud of and invest himself in that business, and watch the type of lifestyle he was able to have with that and the control that he was able to have around his passion, which was technology. As I went through my my education, I got to a point where, I went to college, I studied– clearly technology was in the background, but I also studied business. But when I graduated college, the thing that I didn't have that my dad apparently did was, I just didn't have any of the entrepreneurial tool sets and so I needed to go out into the professional world, land a couple of jobs that could teach me, give me the weapons that I needed to be entrepreneurial. I don't think there was ever a doubt if you would ask any of my friends growing up or my family, they would tell you that from a very early age, when I was asked what I wanted to do, it was to create a company and to create a technology-focused company. But then graduating as I said from college, at least, I had the insight that my education at school did not give me all of the equipment that I needed to go start a company. So we then started management consulting, which taught me a tremendous amount expose me to all kinds of different industries. It exposed me to what it means to have a really strong work ethic, and I did that for about 10 years and then went in out of management consulting and joined– still all technology-focused, but then I went into the corporate world, joined a company here in Atlanta called Harland Clarke. I helped in merging technology systems for them, then joined the NCR and worked for NCR for a number of years. I eventually made it to a Chief Technology Officer position within NCR and by that time,
