

Coronavirus: Is Industrial Sales and Marketing Dead?

April 15, 2020

What does the unexpected onslaught of the coronavirus mean for industrial sales & marketing– which has always relied heavily on methods like trade shows?
Well, hey, what's up, IndustrialSage nation. We're live.

We're live.

We are live

This is exciting.

This is very exciting. Very exciting, what are we doing?

Well, right now we're making sure that the audio levels are coming through okay.


So if something sounds goofy or funny, put a comment there whether on YouTube or you're on Facebook. That's what we're testing out here at the beginning.

Awesome, make sure everyone can hear us. All right, so part of what we're wanting to do is-- Well, we've actually been wanting to go live and that was kind of in the roadmap for a little bit. And I guess it's a little bit more expedited now because of the different circumstances. So part of what we want to do here today is discuss and have a live format on this is really addressing what is going on right now. There is obviously… it's crazy, everybody knows that. And a lot of the questions that we're getting flooded with questions. We have some of the same questions as well as just understanding, what do we do right now?
So we wanted to kind of try to facilitate a little bit to have a live discussion about what is going on, what is an appropriate answer? And we're looking at that question, is sales and marketing as we know it, is it dead because of this stupid virus thing that's going on? I mean, it's crazy, it's absolutely crazy. So that's kind of what we want to talk about today. Feel free to join us. We are live streaming on Facebook and not LinkedIn, YouTube YouTube, and I think the link-- I don't know if you've got the link in on YouTube So that's put in LinkedIn or whatever, okay.

Yeah, it's on LinkedIn and shared everywhere

All right. Well, let's jump into it a little bit. Obviously, things have dramatically shifted over the last-- I mean, every day it's changing. But certainly, over the last week it's been nuts. We were at Mode X, this time last week I guess, the show was wrapping?

It's wrapping, yeah.

And it was a very clear signal that things are changing dramatically. The attendance at this trade show-- If you're not familiar with MODEX. MODEX it's a large show material handling and it's supply chains with a lot of industrial automation and robotics, a lot of software companies for warehouse management systems and the like. Normally, it's a massive show, it's put on by the Material Handling Institute, MHI. They do this show MODEX every year. Well, it's every other year and then alternates with their sister show called, ProMat which happens in Chicago. And typically, I want to say when they do this in 2018, Don't quote me on that, somebody maybe is watching from MHI. Can give me the right-- the real numbers, but I want to say was around 3,0000 attendees.

Something like that I've seen.

And a lot of exhibitors-- This year the amount of exhibitors grew thin, it was over 930 exhibitors, there was a pretty big show. Attendance was dead. I think--

I wouldn't go so far as dead.

Not completely dead, but comparatively speaking.

Well, I wasn't there two years ago.


But from just overall,
