INDIEcent Exposure – INDIEcent Exposure

Latest Episodes
INDIEcent Exposure #45: NTRVW — ETHeGirl
The mongrel hosts ETHegirl, a.k.a. Sarah Marie, in a super-fun size interview about everything under the sun. We also hear tracks from Kendra Black and ALI3N SUP3R J3SUS.
INDIEcent Exposure #44:feat. Yard of Blondes
Hey, hey, hey, my INDIEcent brothers and sisters. Thanks for tuning in to Episode #44 of INDIEcent Exposure. I've got some killer tunes lined up for you, and I guess I was in the mood for music that rides a little harder,
INDIEcent Exposure #43:feat. Kendra Black
Greetings, my INDIEcent brother and sisters! How. The Hell. Have. You. Been..?Welcome to Episode #43 of INDIEcent Exposure. As you have probably noticed, this show has been on hiatus for a long bit over the Winter.
INDIEcent Exposure #42:These singles may be your salvation
An almost perfect blend of just hatched masterpieces and slightly seasoned faves of mine creates a playlist of undeniable appeal. Six artists make their INDIEcent debut.
INDIEcent Exposure #41:Navigating a Charming Disaster
Ellia Bisker and Jeff Morris are a Charming Disaster; photo by Kristopher Johnson. In addition to eight great tracks spanning several genre, we hear from the brilliant duo, Charming Disaster, about their new release, SPELLS + CHARMS.
INDIEcent Exposure #40:11 tracks from all over the map
Mind Cell, Echoes in Ashes, and Post Death Soundtrack offer a convincing argument that special edition, harder-playing genre shows are in order.
INDIEcent Exposure #39: NTRVW — 2Toaster Los Returns to the Mic
Rapper 2Toaster Los, spoke to me last month from New Jersey State Prison during the last two weeks of an eleven year sentence. We'll spin his track, "That's What I Like."
INDIEcent Exposure #38: NTRVW — Phil Hawkins on STAR WARS: ORIGINS
We speak with Phil Hawkins about his mammoth project getting an original, yet painstakingly faithful, Star Wars derivative short produced, and, of course, a stockingful of new Indie tunes - Still from STAR WARS: ORIGINS, courtesy Phil Hawkins
INDIEcent Exposure #36: NTRVW — Wes Buckley
Wes Buckley will be celebrating the release of his 2019 album, Dancing the Bliss, Friday, November 8 at the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts in Pittsfield, Mass.; photo by Jason Velázquez.