The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP030, Write a Novel with Genre Expectations in Mind (Part 1 of 2)

September 29, 2021

Writing to market or writing with genre expectations in mind is often seen as a dirty word. And, I think there are a few misconceptions, largely to do with confusing the strategy with writing to a trend which is very different. For the sake of clarity, writing to trend is all about writing what's popular. An example of that strategy is writing a paranormal romance feature vampires because they're hot right now; that's writing to trend. By the way, I have no idea whether that's a hot trend, so don't take that as gospel because it's just an example I plucked from my mind, a few seconds ago. However, writing with genre expectations in mind is all about writing for your audience. I know you want to write what you love, but just hear me out. As a writer, I get it, you need to love what you write, but you also need to write something that others will enjoy and want to stick around for long-term. 

What to Expect

Before we get into the tips, this episode is the first in a two-part series focused on writing with genre expectations in mind. In this first part, I want to focus on writing with genre expectations in mind for writers who haven't written their first draft and merely have a story idea in mind. This episode will be great for you if you have a story idea or outline, and want to write for an existing audience. Part two, which will be in two weeks, will be great for those of you who, have written the first draft or are revising and are concerned there's no market for your book. Don't worry, the episode has already been recorded and edited, and is scheduled on my podcast hosting providers website.

Thanks for listening, and happy reading and writing, everybody.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

The Previous Episode

Genre Tropes Cheat Sheet

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My Short Story, the Lawn

Become a Beta Reader and Start Reading Duplicity

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