The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS041, A Writing Update, Fussy Librarian Book Promotions, and The Best Beta Reader Software

August 28, 2021

If you listened to the previous episodes of this podcast, you'd know that I've been struggling to finish my next novel. By now, you're probably wondering what drama got in the way of me achieving my writing and publishing goals. In this show, I'll share a momentous writing update. On top of this, I discuss my fears and a surprising update on my Fussy Librarian book promotion. And, I discovered a great tool for self-published authors at a great price.

So stay tuned for all of this and much more.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

The Previous Episode

Fussy Librarian



Try The Formatting Wizard Book Formatting Services for FREE **

The Formatting Templates offered by my services.

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My Books

My Novella, Missing

My Short Story, the Lawn

Become a Beta Reader and Start Reading Duplicity

Entitled to Murder on my blog

Entitled to Murder on Wattpad

Connect with Me on Social Media

Twitter: @WriterADHay


FB group: The Authorpreneur Podcast Community

Instagram: @authorpreneurpodcast



* This is an affiliate link where I receive a very small commission if you purchase this product.

** This is a service offered by me