The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS038, Story Origin Newsletter Swaps, Price Matching an eBook on Amazon and Lifting a Preorder Penalty on Amazon

May 29, 2021

The results of my very first story origin newsletter swap are in, and it's not what I expected. As I cast my mind back, I decide whether I will do another newsletter swap in the future. And, I share my biggest lessons learned. In November, I managed to secure another free mystery and thriller eBook promotion on Kobo. Due to this change in price on Kobo, I decided change the price to free across all other platforms. This led me to send an email to Amazon asking them to price match Missing on their store. And, it this request had surprising results. While we're on the topic of Amazon, I finally felt brave enough to ask Amazon to lift the preorder penalty on Duplicity. Just in case you're wondering, yes, I managed to make progress with the revisions for Duplicity. Yay! On top of all of this, I share details on how you can be a guest on the Authorpreneur Podcast.


Just as a word of warning in this podcast, I do say the word "merde" it's french for sh#t.


So stay tuned for all of this and much more.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

Be on the Podcast

Story Origin

How Can Your Business Survive the Downturn by Dean Wesley Smith

Autopsies for Authors by Geoff Symon | Amazon UK | Kobo |

Entitled to Murder on my blog

Entitled to Murder on Wattpad

Lola's Blog Tours

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My Books

My Novella, Missing

My Short Story, the Lawn

Become a Beta Reader and Start Reading Duplicity

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Twitter: @WriterADHay


FB group: The Authorpreneur Podcast Community

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** This is a services offered by me