The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS036, The Best Decision I've Ever Made

January 29, 2021

After months of frustration with the slow speed of my website, I took the plunge and moved web hosts. And in this episode, I discuss the dramas with moving from one WebHost to another. Spoiler alert, I’m happy with my move, and I’m wondering why I didn’t do it earlier. But, the move took some time.

In September, I found myself lured in by another mystery and thriller free promotion on Kobo. This month I started experimenting with pre-orders, only to discover some terrible news. My efforts on chase reviews are underway, and I share my thoughts on this activity so far. On top of all of this, I discovered a new beta reading programme that I’m excited about.

So stay tuned for all of this and much more.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

Start a Mom Blog (Blog post has been removed)


Elegant Themes *

SiteGround *

Google Workspace

SFA042, Pre-Orders: How, When, and Why to Use Them to Increase Sales

SFA043, Book Advances, White-Listing Requests for Newsletters, and Pre-Orders Pt 2



HeyBeta *

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My Books

My Novella, Missing

My Short Story, the Lawn

Become a Beta Reader and Start Reading Duplicity

Connect with Me on Social Media

Twitter: @WriterADHay


FB group: The Authorpreneur Podcast Community

Instagram: @authorpreneurpodcast



* This is an affiliate link where I receive a very small commission if you purchase this product.