The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS030, Frustrations with Publishing Wide, Trying Something New, and Dealing with Negative Feedback

July 26, 2020

During the first two weeks in March, I made a decision that I never thought that I would make, even after careful consideration. Essentially, I've let go of an ideal and made a decision for business reasons. But, more on that a little later. In terms of pay per click advertising, I share my experiences with Amazon Ads and paying for an ad to promote my offer on my author Facebook page.

Let's just say that things didn't turn out as expected.

And, I want to give an honest account of my experience with Reedsy Discovery because I do believe there is a valuable lesson to be learned, and it’s not about me throwing shade at a company.

Just to let you know, this episode was recorded on Wednesday the 22nd of July so this show is primarily me looking back at March. In the same spirit as the previous episode, there is a backlog with the show due to the Lockdown that we're all facing. After a few weeks, I've managed to figure out how to work from home with my husband and do all of the things I would typically achieve.


Check Out the Show Notes:

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Frostbite Publishing Beta Reading Service

K-Lytics Report on Cozy Mystery Seminar 

My Novella, Missing

My Short Story, the Lawn

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