The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS028, Book Blogging Tours, MailerLite Frustrations, and Rewriting a Thriller Novel

July 03, 2020

During the last week in February, I faced the infamous chicken or the egg scenario, that every author faces—book reviews or sales. And, I make progress with growing my fiction email list. By now, you’re probably wondering whether I started rewriting my second book after all of that planning. If you are, then you’ll find the answer to that question as well as many more in this podcast episode, so stay tuned.


Just to let you know, this episode was recorded on Wednesday, 1st of April, so this show is primarily me looking back at the week starting from February 24 to March 1.



Check Out the Show Notes |


Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned




Many Books

Book Blogging Tour | Book On The Bright Side

My Mystery Novella, Missing

My Mystery Short Story, the Lawn

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