The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS024, Getting Ready to Publish a Thriller Novella, Translating a Novel in French, and Changes to the Podcast

January 17, 2020

Coming up in this episode, I’m going to discuss where I’m at in the publishing process for Missing, my thoughts and plans on how I’ll self-publish my crime thriller novella, and a few more marketing ideas. Before we dive into my exciting publishing news, I want to first talk about a slight change to my podcast and why I struggled with consistently publishing episodes. And, what I plan to do to overcome these issues in the future.

In this episode, I will discuss:

  • How I struggled with my mental health.
  • Changes to the podcast.
  • An update on working with a professional editor.
  • The self-publishing tasks I’ve completed.
  • Translating a novel in French.
  • A few book marketing ideas.
  • Tasks I need to complete before publishing.
  • The publishing date for my crime thriller, Missing.
  • And, my new podcast.

Thanks for listening, and happy reading and writing, everybody.

Check Out the Show Notes 

The Blog Post |

Videos, Podcasts, and Other Resources

Behind the Scenes Writing Vlog #13 on Mental Health |

How to Choose a Title for Your Novel (YouTube) |

Alliance of Independent Authors, ALLi |

Crime Thriller Short Story, the Lawn |

Thriller Novel Nerd Podcast |


Ingram Spark |

Nielsen UK ISBN Store | (UK ONLY)


Books and Tools Mentioned

Writing Killer Blurbs and Hooks by Adam Croft

Mastering Amazon Descriptions by Brian D. Meeks

How to write a sizzling synopsis by Bryan Cohen

Vellum |

BookFunnel |

Grammarly |

ProWritingAid |

AutoCrit |

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Twitter: @WriterADHay


FB group: The Authorpreneur Podcast Community

Instagram: @authorpreneurpodcast

