The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS023, KDP Select or Going Wide: Which is Better for the New Self-Published Authors?

November 23, 2019

Over the years, there has been a big push by some well-meaning people to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket and publish your books to all of the platforms or go wide.


But, is this the best advice for a new author?


In this episode, I’m going to discuss the difference between going wide and enrolling in the KDP Select programme and what you need to consider before deciding. And at the end of this section of the podcast, I’m going to share three actionable steps to help you decide which option is right for you. After that, in the second part of the podcast, I’m going to share with you a short behind the scenes author diary update.


A Little Transparency

As always, I've decided to devote an entire episode to this topic because like you, I’m on the fence about whether to go wide or be exclusive to Amazon. All of the content in this episode has come from my own research to help me make the right choice for my books. The research I’ve put into this show includes listening to what others have to say, reading the terms and conditions of the KDP Select programme, reading blog posts, and paying attention to what other self-published authors are doing.


Concluding Thoughts

After you’ve had a chance to listen to show, come on over to the blog post at and let me know whether you’re publishing exclusively with KDP select or going wide, by sharing your opinion in the comments section.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Thanks for listening, and happy reading and writing, everybody.



** Check out the show notes **

KDP Select or Going Wide: Which is Better for the New Self-Published Authors? |

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