The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS021, Migrating Away from MailChimp and Merging My Two Websites

June 15, 2019

Coming up in this show, I discuss why I migrated away from MailChimp and the steps involved. And, I also discuss my decision to merge my author and writing tips websites. In terms of writing, I will share where I'm at with Missing, Book Two, and the steps I need to take before I start writing my short story.

But, first an update on my favourite cup of tea and what I'm currently reading.

Favourite Cup of Tea

As I'm recording this episode of the podcast diary, I'm drinking a cup of Jasmine Tea by Tea2. One of the reasons why I love drinking Jasmine Tea is because of its delicate flavour. It’s not too overpowering like some other types of green tea. Today, as I’m recording this episode it’s 11:43 am on a Thursday and this is my second cup of green tea of the day. I usually have a cup of Sencha tea with my breakfast.

What I'm Currently Reading

While I was on holiday, I ended up not doing any reading. The reason for this is I tend to do the majority of my reading while I'm working on my businesses during the week. Because I was on holiday and spending time with my husband, it was hard to squeeze this into my new holiday mode. To avoid this in the future, I need to incorporate reading into my nighttime routine. I'll let you know how I get on with this.

Actually, now that I've said that I remember that I did read Killing the Top 10 Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing and Killing the Top 10 Sacred Cows of Publishing by Dean Wesley Smith during the first week on my USA Trip while Roland was working. Nevertheless, at present, I'm three books behind my reading goal for the year.

As of last Thursday, I started reading the Temple of the Gods by Andy McDermott while attempting to catch up on my task list for my author and coaching businesses. At the end of last week, I reached the forty-nine percent mark of the story in the Kindle Whisper-sync for Voice edition. I know not everyone loves to be read to, but I obviously do not have that issue.


The Temple of the Gods is the eighth book in the Wilde/Chase Series. At this point in the series, the discovery of Atlantis has already occurred, which is starting to encourage me to purchase the previous books in the series. Even as I say this now, there's a part of me that wants to open Amazon and search for those books.

What can I say?


I'm a sucker for an Archaeological Thriller, which leads me to point out that I'm trying to get familiar with the series, so I can start writing the first book in my Maximilian Nicholls thriller novels.


Yes, I want to write two types of thrillers at once.

Concluding Thoughts

Next week, I'll let you know about my progress on my short story The Lawn, my revision plans for the short story. And, my decision about whether will hire a professional editor and a professional beta reader for The Lawn.

Thanks for listening, and happy reading and writing, everybody.



Mentioned in this Episode

Time To Ditch MailChimp? by David Gaughran

Self Publishing Journeys Podcast

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BTS021, Migrating Away from MailChimp and Merging My Two Websites |

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