The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS017, I'm Sharing My Business and Writing Goals With You for the Next Quarter

April 16, 2019

I think accountability is a beautiful thing. And, I realise that’s a super nerdy thing to say. So, what do I mean by accountability? Basically, I’m referring to accountability, in terms of setting and striving towards writing goals. In this episode, I’m going to share with you my business and writing goals for the next quarter. As you can expect, I’m going to share an update on my successes and failures from the first quarter of 2019.

And, I’m going to discuss a new writing-related tool that I’m using to revise Missing. That tool is new to me but has been around for a while. This tool has evolved over time. As I’m using this tool, I’m watching the help videos, and I’ve noticed the version in the videos is slightly different from the version I’m currently using. It’s good to see the product has evolved over time, which is what you want when purchasing a piece of software.

It appears that I have a lot of tasks to complete over the next quarter. However, many of these tasks are larger goals broken down into tiny steps, just to make things a little easier for me. What are your writing goals for the next three months? I want to hear from you. Let me know by coming over to the blog post at and share your goals in the comments section.

Thanks for listening and happy reading and writing everybody!


** Check out the show notes **

BTS017, I'm Sharing My Business and Writing Goals With You for the Next Quarter |


** Tools Mentioned **


Pro Writing Aid


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Twitter: @WriterADHay


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