The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP025, How to Structure a Story Using the Hero's Journey (Part 1 of 4)

March 18, 2019

So, you’ve listened to the episodes on Three-Act Structure and discovered that it didn’t quite suit the story you’re trying to tell. You’re looking for a story structure that's focused more on character as opposed to plot. Or, perhaps you’ve been dreaming about writing Fantasy, Science Fiction, or in one of the many sub-genres of this huge category, but you don’t know where to start. If you can relate to any of those scenarios then this episode is for you.


Here’s what you can expect from this episode:



  • A brief history of the Hero’s Journey.
  • Why you should use the Hero’s Journey to structure your next story.
  • A breakdown of the Hero’s Journey stages in the first act.
  • Examples of the Hero’s Journey stages in action from the Fellowship of the Ring.




After you’ve listened to this episode come on over to the show notes at and let me know by sharing in the comments section, a tip you’ve learned from the episode or ask a question if you’re stuck with structuring a story using the hero’s journey, or tweet me at WriterADHay.

Thanks for listening!

Check out the show notes

How to Structure a Story Using the Hero's Journey (Part 1 of 4) |

The Hero’s Journey Mini-Series

How to Structure a Story Using the Hero's Journey (Part 1 of 4) |

How to Structure a Story Using the Hero's Journey (Part 2 of 4) |

How to Structure a Story Using the Hero's Journey (Part 3 of 4) |

5 Tips for Structuring a Story with the Hero’s Journey (Part 4 of 4) |


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Your Questions on writing, editing and Self Publishing Answered |

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Twitter: @WriterADHay


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