The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP024, How to Write the Denouement Scenes for Your Novel

February 09, 2019

So, you’ve reached the end of the climactic sequence of your novel, and you’re wondering how to give your story a satisfying conclusion. Or, perhaps you’re currently outlining your novel, and you’re stuck and not sure how to plan the denouement scenes for your story in a way that will satisfy your future readers. I know the idea of having to wrap up every loose thread in your novel can be daunting. Trust me; I’ve been at that place three times before. That’s why, in this episode, I’m going to explain what are the denouement scenes, share three tips on how to write and structure these scenes, and breakdown three examples from literature.

Before I dive into the writing tips, this is the twelfth instalment in my series on three-act structure. If you've just joined me on this episode then, I will link the previous eleven episodes below.

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a Novel |

How to Write a Great Ordinary World Scene |

How to Write the Inciting Incident |

How to Write the First Plot Point |

How to Write the Rising Action Scenes in a Novel |

How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel |

How to Write the Second Half of the Second Act |

How to Write the Dark Night of the Soul Scene of a Novel |

How to Choose the Right Ending for Your Story |

How to Write the Climactic Sequence of a Novel |

How to Write the Hero at the Mercy of the Villain Scene in a Novel |


After you’ve listened to this episode come on over to the show notes at and let me know by sharing in the comments section, a tip you’ve learned from the episode or ask a question if you’re stuck with writing your denouement scenes, or tweet me at WriterADHay.


Thanks for listening!



Check out the Show Notes 

How to Write the Denouement Scenes for Your Novel |


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