The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS012, I'm Sharing My Business and Writing Goals for 2019 with You

January 17, 2019

As I look back over the last few years, I’ve noticed I have a bit of a problem. And, that problem has to do with focus. Yep, my inner creative wants to do everything all at once. I have all of these writing ideas that I seriously want to pursue, but I can’t do it all; I need to focus. My ideas are all in the form of multiple series and are in four different genres. These genres are medieval fantasy, crime thriller, archaeological thriller, and cozy-mystery. I’m serious when I say that I want to write these four different series.

However, focusing on four different series from the start is going to be difficult, and it will mean success in these genres will take a long time because I’m starting multiple things at once and the readers have nothing else to read after these first-in-series novels. In the spirit of looking back and learning, I’ve decided that in 2019 I’m going to focus on my James Lalonde series first and then if I have the time, the archaeological thriller series. Notice how I said, “if I have the time.” That reiteration is for my benefit, but take it on board if like me you have too many plates spinning at once. In light of my newfound wisdom, I’m going to share my business and writing goals for 2019 with you.

After you’ve listened to this episode come on over to the show notes at and let me know by sharing in the comments section, a tip you’ve learned from the episode or ask a question if you’re stuck and not sure what to do next.

Thanks for listening!

Check out the Show Notes

BTS012, Annual Business and Writing Goals for 2019 |

Mentioned in This Episode

BTS010, I'm Back with an Update On Writing, Reading, and Podcasting |



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