The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP022, How to Write the Climactic Sequence of a Novel

January 15, 2019

So, you’ve reached the third act of your novel, and you’re wondering how to write an unforgettable climactic moment. The real secret is in the building up to this climactic moment in the third act. I remember that feeling I got when I reached the start of the third act for the first thriller that I wrote; I was so excited. This probably sounds a little dramatic, but I could almost hear the hallelujah chorus. As I’ve recently discovered reaching the end of the story, is where the real work starts, no matter how great you are at outlining.

But, you’re not here for revision tips, you want to know how to write the climactic sequence of a novel.

And that’s precisely what you’re going to get.

In this episode, I will breakdown the three key elements of the story climax, so that you can write a show-stopping climactic sequence for your novel.

Before I dive into the writing tips, this is the eleventh instalment in my series on three-act structure. If you've just joined me on this episode then, I will link the previous ten episodes below and over on the accompanying blog post.

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a Novel |

How to Write a Great Ordinary World Scene |

How to Write the Inciting Incident |

How to Write the First Plot Point |

How to Write the Rising Action Scenes in a Novel |

How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel |

How to Write the Second Half of the Second Act |

How to Write the Dark Night of the Soul Scene of a Novel |

How to Choose the Right Ending for Your Story |

How to Write the Climactic Sequence of a Novel |

After you’ve listened to this episode come on over to the show notes at

and let me know by sharing in the comments section, a tip you’ve learned from the episode or ask a question if you’re stuck and not sure what to do next.


Thanks for listening!


Check out the Show Notes

How to Write the Climactic Sequence of a Novel |


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