The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP020, How to Write the Dark Night of the Soul Scene of a Novel

July 26, 2018

So, you’ve reached the start of the third act of your outline or in your first draft, and you’re not sure how to propel your protagonist from the second act to the third act. There is a scene in story structure that creates a doorway or a transition between the final two acts. It’s generally referred to as the second turning point, second plot point, or the Dark Night of the Soul. If this is something you’re struggling with as you’re writing your first draft or brainstorming your story outline, then this episode is for you. In this episode, I will discuss, the essential elements, and provide five tips on how to write a compelling Dark Night of the Soul scene.


Thanks for listening!

** Check out the show notes **

How to Write the Dark Night of the Soul Scene of a Novel |

** Check out the previous episodes **

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a novel |

How to write a great ordinary world scene |

How to write the inciting incident |

How to write the first plot point |

How to Write the Rising Action Scenes in a Novel |

How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel |

How to Write the Second Half of the Second Act |

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