The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP018, How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel

July 12, 2018

Is the middle of your story dragging? Are you halfway through writing your manuscript and not sure where to go from there? If you said, yes to either of these questions than this episode is for you. So, what do you do if the middle of your story is dragging or if you’re stuck in a rut? The answer to both of these problems is to include a midpoint scene in your novel. However, before you click away and start writing that scene, there a few things you need to know. In this episode, I will share the necessary ingredients for a great midpoint and five tips on how to write the midpoint of a novel.


Thanks for listening!

** Check out the show notes **

How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel |

** Check out the previous episodes **

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a Novel |

How to Write a Great Ordinary World Scene |

How to Write the Inciting Incident |

How to Write the First Plot Point |

How to Write the Rising Action Scenes in a Novel |





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