The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS008, How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Out of that Writing Slump

July 09, 2018

I’m super excited to announce that I’ve finally stopped procrastinating and overcome my writing slump. Yay! Before I share seven tips on how to stop procrastinating and get out of that writing slump, I want to share with you a recent experience I had while writing the first draft of my mystery novella, Missing.

So, How long has it been?

I want you to understand that I’m not being overdramatic. It’s been forty-one days since I last consistently contributed to the word count for my novella, Missing. However, this isn’t the first writing slump I’ve experienced with writing this novella.

I experienced another month-long writing slump between writing act one and act two. The reason for that writing slump was the story hit a little too close to home for me, and it was difficult to write. So, instead of being a professional and continuing to write through the hard writing moments, I gave in to the temptation to procrastinate. I’ve fallen into the same habit, again. That’s the truth. There’s no way to make this sound sexy. Writing is hard, and the temptation to give into resistance and get distracted by everything else that’s going on is great.

Here's what you can expect from this episode.

  • My writing slump experience.
  • The results I saw following my own advice.
  • My two biggest struggles.
  • 7 tips on how to stop procrastinating and get out of that writing slump.


Have you been stuck in a writing slump? Or, have you recently got out of a writing slump? I want to hear from you. Let me know by sharing your tips or experience with writing slumps in the comments section below.

Thank you for listening, and happy reading and writing, everybody.

** Check out the blog post **

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Out of that Writing Slump |


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